During this road test, you will demonstrate your ability to operate a commercial vehicle in most road situations using the techniques described in the CDL driver’s manual. During the road test, continue straight ahead unless otherwise directed. I will give you directions as far in advance as possible. If you do not understand my directions, do not hesitate to ask for clarification. I will not ask you to do anything that is unsafe or illegal. You are responsible for the safe operation of this vehicle at all times. During the test I will be making marks on the test form, this does not necessarily mean that you have done something wrong. Do you have any questions?

If using simulated activities: Also, at some point during the test I will point out a landmark and ask you to describe the techniques that you would use for crossing railroad tracks or performing a school student discharge.

Railroad Crossing: Imagine that the (point of reference) ahead is a railroad crossing on a four-lane road. When you reach this point, describe and demonstrate the procedures that you would use to cross railroad tracks on a four-lane road (HAZMAT, Standard or Passenger). Do you have any questions?